Published 11 Jul, 2021 01:13pm

Pehli Si Muhabbat: Rakhshi's Betrayal Causes Aslam the Worst Kind of Pain!

Written by Faiza Iftikhar and directed by Anjum Shahzad, Idream Entertainment’s Pehli Si Mohabbat is a play that has caught the viewers’ attention with its take on ‘first’ love. Starring Maya Ali and Sheheryar Munavar in the lead roles, this classic love story is a must watch!

The Plot

Aslam and Rakhshi’s elopement devised by Zainab was all set to go as planned but the sudden arrival of Nargis's ex-beau stopped Rakhshi in her tracks. Standing in the shadows, she eavesdropped on the conversation between Nargis and her ex. Nargis told him to leave because she couldn’t risk losing the bond she shared with Rakhshi and neither could she bring disgrace to Faizullah and his family who had accepted her wholeheartedly even after knowing her past. Rakhshi realised the mistake she was going to make and changed her mind, she admitted to Nargis that she was about to run but she would do as her father pleased and would marry Sikander the next day. She let Aslam know via message, apologised asked for his forgiveness. Rakhshi's betrayal broke his heart into a million pieces and he cried and screamed in frustration. Just then, Sikander and his goons found him behind Rakhshi’s house and attacked him, leaving him to die on the street. Later on Sikander casually asked Faizullah to call Aslam's family to inform them of his condition.

Just as Zainab finally began to give her marriage and relationship with Murad a second chance, Sikander gave her the biggest jolt of her life by attacking her brother. The family rushed to the hospital with Aslam bleeding out while Faizullah threatened Rakhshi on ending his life in the name of honor if Sikander did not bring the ‘baraat' to their door that night.

Good Performances Make Pehli Si Muhabbat worth the watch.

The leading duo Maya Ali and Sheheryar Munaver have stolen our hearts, the pain and suffering the romeo Juliet is going through in the drama is unbearable and even though the odds may not be in their favour we’re definitely rooting for Aslam and Rakhshi to have a happily ever after!

Rabia Butt's Nargis impresses once again with her hard-hitting dialogues and a remarkable performance. She has definitely proved herself with the role of Nargis, a young woman with a dubious background marrying an old man. We're loving her scenes with Shabbir Jan and Maya Ali and absolutely love the chemistry she shares with them on screen.

Salam Meraj has acted his finest in Pehli Si Muhabat, from the good guy in Raqs e Bismil, he plays the ultimate baddie here, pining for Zainab’s love a decade after she married someone else, he has been harboring the fire for vengeance and has finally got the chance to do so through hurting Zainab’s younger brother Aslam by marrying the love of his life Rakhshi. From beating up Aslam twice to threatening Zainab he has done it all. We’ve formed a love-hate relationship with his Sikander on screen and we’re waiting to see what happens next with Sikander in Pehli Si Muhabbat!

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