Updated 19 Mar, 2023 11:06am

Kuch Ankahi Episode 10: Saif-ur-Rehman’s Pack Of Lies

Agha Ji finally sits down with Zareena and Saif-ur-Rehman to discuss crucial matters like Shagufta, Saif ur Rehman's desire to wed Samia, and whether or not he will respect her, it appears that Saif-ur Rehman and Zareena have likely persuaded Agha Jaan just as the mother and son convinced Shammo of their lies.

Kuch Ankahi has recently become critical hit, and a fan favorite thanks to its intriguing plot, relatable characters, and nuanced portrayal of societal problems. Kuch Ankahi is an engaging story that explores some of today's most important social problems. The drama is a gem in storytelling that examines subjects like gender discrimination, workplace harassment, and societal expectations. It features a talented ensemble cast, including actors like Sajal Aly and Bilal Abbas Khan. Kuch Ankahi is written by the multi-talented Mohammed Ahmed, and directed by Nadeem Baig.

Agha Ji and Family:

Now that Amma has returned from the hospital, the family is overjoyed. Everyone is attempting to cheer her up and keep any stressful ideas at bay.

It appears that Samia is attempting to avoid encountering Amma while Alia and Tania make an unpleasant soup for her. According to Alia, she is acting in this manner because she feels responsible for Amma's heart attack.

However, the terrible soup made Samia and the laughter return to Agha Ji and Shammo's room. Deepak is seen finally speaking and conversing with Tania, showing his innocent interest but also expressing a desire for security. Agha Ji talks about Shagufta's call to Samia when Zareena arrives to meet Shammo. As usual, Zareena successfully hides everything with some emotional melodramatic story about how she raised her boy by herself after his father passed away and how now everyone is jealous of their happiness. She made up the story that Shagufta was the daughter of one of her friends, whose mother wanted her to wed Saif, and that this was all her doing. Agha Ji, on the other hand, doesn't seem persuaded and asks Saif-ur-Rehman to meet with him without his mother.

His mother has emotionally blackmailed Saif-ur-Rehman into telling him only what she has already informed Agha Ji. When he finally gets to meet him, he claims that Shagufta is just a former friend and coworker who was only assisting him with wedding preparations at the time Alia might have seen him with her. He persuaded Agha Ji that he would always be respectful of Samia and never treat her unfairly.

Samia begs Agha Ji to refrain from bringing up this subject in front of Amma again because she feels that she will be able to handle whatever good or bad happens, but Amma won't be able to.


When Daddy Motiwala meets Azfar, it turns out to be a disaster as usual because Azfar demands to be granted the highway wali zameen, but his father tells him that Sehrish has already gotten it and is now the owner.

Sehrish and Alia:

Due to Alia's inability to make it to an important meeting, a furious Sehrish calls and orders her to report to work regardless of circumstances. Alia complies. Alia experiences a few awkward moments during the meeting as a coworker keeps staring at her.

Brownie Bits:

Although we didn't get to see much of Alia and Salman in this episode, their brief but adorably sweet eye contact through the rear view mirror while Alia was sitting in Salman's car on their way home from the hospital had us in swooning.

Oh, and the endearing exchange between Salman and his mother as he tags along to assist her in the kitchen with breakfast provided so much delightful content with a brief scene for dramas to come. By featuring males participating and sharing equal responsibility for household duties, the drama has been successful in establishing a progressive tone. (Louder, for the people in back!)

What we think:

After the tense previous episode, watching this one was fun and entertaining. We adored Agha Ji and Shammo's witty conversation, and it was heartwarming to see that despite their differences, they still have a warm friendship that is marked by love, respect, and a dash of snark. Obviously, our favorite part of the episode is the entire soup scene. We continue to be mystified by the plot involving Azfar and Sehrish, which is moving along a little too slowly and has begun to drag a bit due to repeated complaints about how much Daddy adores big sister and not Azfar.

We loved Ali Safina's acting and the way that, despite lying, he appeared to be sincere and convincing; leading us to believe that he was not a particularly awful person. Given that the marriage is now very much in progress, we hope that Saif-ur-Rehman will take care of Samia as he has promised. What do you think—will Samia's confidence in destiny and fate prove to be right, or will it only cause her to feel heartbroken? Comment below and let us know.

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