Published 11 Sep, 2021 12:01pm

Laapata Drama Review: Falak’s Powerful Scene Woos Audiences!

Daniyal Was Too Good to Be True and We Knew It!

The lover-boy persona played by Gohar Rasheed as Daniyal was just the perfect guy any girl would have wanted, loving, caring and extremely passionate, a person who wouldn’t stop persuing you even after you said no to him a million times! As a viewer, we have to admit we were also swept away with all the love Daniyal showered Falak with but the red flags were definitely right there however we chose to ignore them just as Falak and her family did! The latest episode revealed Daniyal to have psychotic tendencies, anger management issues and the fact that he had a wife before Falak who he seems to have murdered out of sheer anger according to his acquaintances. We’re definitely concerned for Falak’s safety after Daniyal learns about her past with Shams and is deliriously angry over it. The terrified housekeeper is also harbouring Daniyal’s secret and fears for Falak’s safety as she hides behind the kitchen counter and cries out!

Sarah Khan’s Slap-Scene Steals the Spotlight

This week’s episode of Laapata was a head-turner for the on-going drama, a specific scene seems to have stolen the spotlight! Yes, we are talking about the oh so famous ‘slap-scene’ which has got the audiences talking. Featuring Sarah Khan and Gohar Rasheed as Falak and Daniyal, the newly weds got into quite the spat that quickly turned ugly all thanks to Daniyal and his anger management issues and psychotic behaviour. He slapped Falak right across the face but what happened next truly shocked us, Falak who plays the empowered woman in Laapata retorted back with a thundering slap on Daniyal’s shocked face. He didn’t know what just hit him and he definitely did not expect it, heck, we as the audiences were utterly shocked as to what we just witnessed on a Pakistani drama. Often having to sit through various scenes of our damsels being slapped at every scene possible, this tight slap that Falak handed out was just what women across the country watching that show really needed to see!

Laapata Finally Seems to be Getting on Track!

Laapata has finally entered our good books after the very failed attempt of over-selling Gaiti’s character as the most lively, chirpy and bubbly persona while all she reminds us of is one of the mean girls who is always bullying her way around life. While the creators of Laapata may have thought of Gaiti as a ‘cheerful’ addition to the cast, we believe there are a lot of issues with her character. Jealousy, stealing her friends fiancé and then using her social media presence to bully shop keepers is exactly what we do not need to show on screen! What really is Ayeza Khan doing in Laapata is a mystery we are yet to uncover as the story unfolds.

Will Falak discover the truth about Daniyal and what happened with his first wife? What do you think will be her next move?

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