Qissa Meherbano Ka: Does Meherbano Finally Have A Saviour?

With each episode of Qissa Meherbano Ka bringing in a new twist to the narrative, the plot is thickening tenfold. However, it finally seems that the eponymous Meherbano finally might be catching a break after a problematic entry into her purported husband’s home! What did the last few episodes bring into her life?
Let’s analyse…
Not only did we see Meherbano (Mawra Hocane) deal with Fari’s (Mashal Khan) entry and her slew of hateful comments against her, but we also saw Murad (Ahsan Khan) continues to be a dastardly man, whose wishes to bring Meherbano to his home were purely because of monetary reasons. It felt like there could be no sigh of relief for her and only despair has become her fate....
However, this week and a tad bit in the previous episode we see something brewing which we could consider positive for Meherbano. What could that be? Ayaz’s (Khushhal Khan) alleged closeness towards her! That’s right. As the episodes move forward, we can now see the estranged aunt-nephew bond coming into play, at a time when it’s needed the most.
This episode too, we see Ayaz being threatened by Fari, who warns him that his closeness to his aunt won’t be good for him and that he should pick the right side if he wants to stay in the house. To this, Ayaz can’t help but show Fari her place – a thing which of course, doesn’t sit well with her, as she does technically own the house the whole family lives in. It’s surely a difficult situation to be in! But, Ayaz being Ayaz, says what he has to – and we for one, love that.
Murad on the other hand, seems to be irked by the constant juggle between Fari and Meherbano. The constant drama happening in the house is not only getting to him, but he’s also finding newer ways to remain hopelessly immoral to both the women! That’s right, heeding to his ways, we find Murad continuing to flirt with other women and perhaps trap them too, as he is only after the rich and beautiful!
So, what about Meherbano then? Well, unfortunately she is still in a situation where she finds herself quite alone – with perhaps now Ayaz, being her possible support. While he hasn’t come out and said it explicitly, we do think Ayaz may have a soft corner for his phuppo especially after she protects him from one of Fari’s constant dramatic rants against him and the rest of the family.
Now as the drama moves forward, one will have to see how does Meherbano fare in a house that is completely against her, an unrequited need for love coming from Mehran (Zaviyar Nauman Ijaz), and of course, her own evil husband! All we could do is hope Meherbano finds some light at the end of this tunnel!
Check out the latest episode here:
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