Mere Humnasheen Episode 23 & 24: Will Khajista Become A Doctor?

Geo TV's Mere Humnasheen has entered a phase where things are moving fast, and in the right direction. It is a captivating story about rural customs and the battle to achieve your aspirations as a woman.
Directed by Ali Faizan, produced by Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi, the drama features Ahsan Khan, Hiba Bukhari, and Shahzad Sheikh in the lead and has been receiving a lot of positive feedback from the audience for their brilliant performances.
Khajista's dream to become a doctor is at risk again since Darakhzai (Ahsan Khan) disagrees with the practices of the occupation. Khajista (Hiba Bukhari) has to return to the city to pursue her ambition, and Dr. Hadi (Shehzad Sheikh) wants to be her knight in shining armor.
After being humiliated by Darakhzai in the last episode, Khajista is uncertain about going back to the city to finish her studies. Khajista admits to Darakhzai that she detests his fake love for her and would rather die than become his wife. Darakhzai feels outraged by this and raises his hand to hit her in rage, but Amroze (Syed Jibran) stops him and warns him never to do so.
Khajista wishes Hadi was Darakhzai or that Darkhzai could become more like Hadi when he calls her and assures to do everything in his power to help her achieve her dream of becoming a doctor.
Khajista and Darakhzai's engagement was discussed by Daji (Rehan Sheikh) and Amroze. Amroze advises that they call off the engagement between Khajista and Darkhzai. Daji is enraged by this and warns Amroze that it would never happen. Dr. Shehryar (Farhan Ally Agha) tries to persuade Daji to not stop Khajista from becoming a doctor as because doing so will benefit their own people as she is a very capable student. Daji requests that they let Khajista make the decision, and if she chooses to go, he will drop her off at her university as usual.
During this, Moray (Munazzah Arif) trips and seems like she has a knee injury because she is in a great deal of pain. Daji is committed to upholding their customs and orthodox beliefs, which prohibits women from visiting doctors, and wants to treat her using their traditional practices. Khajista insists that this isn't a minor injury, they must take Moray to the city for an x-ray and a thorough examination by a qualified doctor.
Hadi's parents and Hadi are not pleased about Khajista's struggle to accomplish her goals despite being a genius. Hadi decides to go and bring her back by himself even though doing so can put his life in danger. Khajista is adamant about taking Moray to the city and tries to convince Amroze on which he reassures her that he will take Moray to the city himself if needs be.
As Moray's suffering continues, Daji requests that Amroze bring the local bone setter. After examining Moray, the old man tells them that her knee has dislocated. Darkhzai becomes enraged and requests that the elderly man leave when he requests to examine her knee in order to fix it. Khajista begs them to stop letting Moray suffer and threatens to take Moray to the city on her own if they do nothing.
Hassan (Haris Waheed) is warned by Aima (Moomal Khalid) that Hadi is interested in Khajista, and he promises to do everything in his power to keep Khajista out of Hadi's life. Darkhzai appears to have changed his mind about taking Moray to a doctor in the city as a result of Moray's injury. He inquires of Khajista whether she can be treated by a female doctor in the city. When Khajista hears this, she makes him realise why it is critical for a woman to become a doctor.
While all of this is going on, Hadi arrives in Khajista's village, where he meets Sanober, who is already opposed to Khajista because she wants to marry Darakhzai. Sanober tries to provoke Hadi to take Khajista with him to the city, telling him that it was Aima's evil plan and that Khajista's life is in danger here. Daji, Amroze and Darkhzai are all convinced to send Khajista along with Moray to get Moray treated and to let Khajista continue her education, in the city.
Hadi arrives at Khajista's house, adding to her problems because this is against their customs and will enrage Darakhzai even more. Hadi meets Amroze and informs him that whatever happened was Aima's evil plan, but she was undoubtedly aided by someone from their own house who sent Darakhzai to the camp.
Amroze, on the other hand, appears to have sensed Hadi's feelings for Khajista and tells him to return and he will take Khajista to the city himself. Darakhzai has also seen Hadi at their home and is enraged to see him there.
Amroze confronts Shanzay (Momina Iqbal) about sending Darakhzai to the medical camp, but she lies and claims that Aima wanted to meet Khajista's fiancé. Darakhzai tries to convince Khajista that he has given her complete permission to continue her studies, but she tells him that questioning her character is unforgivable.
The episodes depicted a wide range of emotions and the struggles of rural women in pursuing their dreams. It is admirable, however, that men like Amroze support their women and literally give them wings through their support, despite their customs and traditions. We love how the writer, Misbah Ali Syed has crafted each character with such care and attention to detail, despite showing their orthodox side. It is heartwarming to see Hiba Bukhari as Khajista, who is brilliantly portraying her character through her acting abilities.
According to the teaser for the next episode, Hadi's mother will learn about Hadi's interest in Khajista through Hassan. We can't wait to see how Hadi's mother reacts to this revelation. Will she be on his son's side, or will she add to Khajista's worries and problems?
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