Yunhi Review: A Gripping Tale Redefining Love and Challenging Societal Norms

Yunhi, the popular Pakistani drama series airing on HUM Tv has taken the television landscape by storm, captivating fans with its timeless tale of love, cultural dynamics, and a mesmerizing romance. With the remarkable performances of Maya Ali and Bilal Ashraf as the lead duo Kim and Dawood, the show has garnered immense adoration and has become a sensation among viewers nationwide. The drama is produced by Momina Duraid, directed by the maestro, Ehteshamuddin and penned down by the woman with a golden pen, Sarwat Nazir.
Let’s explore what the latest episode of Yunhi was all about:
Dawood and Kim’s budding romance has taken a major development this week where Bilal Ashraf indirectly confesses his love for Kim while gently holding on to her hand with his head bowed down. This scene had us screaming but Kim did not reciprocate the love. Maya Ali and Bilal Ashraf’s on screen chemistry was sizzling throughout the episode and we believe Kim’s misunderstandings on why Dawood married her have finally been cleared out.
Yunhi may have started off slow but has certainly built up well with a gripping storyline that has us hooked and anxiously waiting for the next episode.
Is Kim changing mindsets at home?
The modern daughter in law in every Pakistani drama is almost always shown as the vicious vamp who destroys the family with her ‘modern’ thinking. Kim however, has proved this wrong, breaking stereotypes one after another.
From getting a hang of the ongoing situation in the family to questioning it all with a calm and logical perspective, Kim has managed to change the way the people around her are thinking, case in point - Uncle Basharat, Dawood’s father who has finally understood Kim’s point of view and decided that he needs to change his thinking as per the modern times.
The scene where Basharat speaks to his father and tells him that he wants his daughter to have a say in her marriage was heart-warming and tugged at our hearts. Basharat’s conversation with his daughter Suraiya also won our hearts where he tells her she can talk to him about anything without being scared of the consequences that may follow later. We loved how he tried to achieve the perfect father-daughter relationship, realising all the mistakes he was making as a father in order to be the obedient son.
Breaking generational customs - Addressing Cousin Marriages!
Yunhi has tactfully managed to address multiple topics that are a common occurrence in the Pakistani society. The marriage of Husna and Daniyal had been decided long begore the two were old enough to understand the meaning of being in such a ‘relationship.’
Husna’s conversation with Suraiya on the day of Suraiya and Hamid’s forced Nikkah was an eye opener. Boys and girls who grow up with the pressure of getting married to one another automatically grow up thinking they are the ideal partners for each other. They then grow up fantasizing about marriage, but not actually being in love with the significant other.
Once Daniyal saw the opportunity with Kim he pounced on the marriage idea and forgot all about Husna who was already betrothed to him. This was when Husna realised she never actually loved Daniyal and it was simply an illusion that shattered when Daniyal proposed to Kim.
What do you think