Drama serial Yunhi has a classical old school vibe to it, with a vintage romantic feel. The cinematography, the gorgeous set and each scene and the sizzling chemistry between the lead actors is a treat to watch. Director Ehteshamuddin has done wonders alongside the leading actors who are carrying the drama on their shoulders. Pakistan’s diva Maya Ali as the fiery Kim and the dapper, Bilal Ashraf as the gentleman, Dawood are slowly becoming a fan favourite and the viewers are hoping for a beautiful love story to bloom between them. In Yunhi’s latest episode the festivities continue after the wedding and we are ecstatic to see the newly-weds enjoying each other’s company and also heading out for some alone time amongst the chaos.
Life after Marriage for Kim and Dawood
The American return Kim has had a difficult time settling in Pakistan and is not accustomed to the various customs and traditions that one must follow in the household and when leaving the home. Just as she enters home after a wholesome day with her husband, her mother in law is upset that she left the house in western attire. While we understand every family has set values that it adheres to, the scenario is a little out of date for Pakistani households in today’s time. With western dressing quite common, the continuous shaming Kim is facing is truly uncalled for. Kudos to the showmakers for showing Dawood in a positive light, as the understanding husband who is trying his best to manage his American wife alongside his very desi family. Not only does he give a befitted response to his mother but asks her to understand that it is equally difficult for Kim to adjust with their family.
Kim finally receives a laptop and phone after all this time as Dawood takes her shopping for all her necessities, he jokingly adds these items would help her plan her way out of Pakistan and away from him. The two enjoy some quiet time together and also make a pact where Kim talks about staying as good friends instead of husband and wife, she also mentions to Dawood that if he believes she would change her ways to become like him, it could be possible that he would change himself for her too. We’re excited to see how the story unfolds after this.
Kim Opens up About her Childhood Traumas
Dawood and Kim talk about her past and she opens up about her hatred towards Muslims. She talks about a teacher that her mother had employed to teach her Islamic studies and spoke about how he was not a nice man. Although Kim did not share many details it seems like the teacher did something that is still giving Kim nightmares to this day and has destroyed the image of Muslims in her mind.
Kim Discovers Suraiya’s Secret
Kim discovers a secret about Dawood’s younger sister, Suraiya in the late hours of the night. She hears her talking on the phone with her boyfriend as she tells him its difficult for her to confess to her family that she loves him and wants to marry him. Kim does not react at the time but it seems like she is going to protest on her behalf when the time comes.
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